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Pain and Gain Trailer + and a Few Words on Michael Bay

In many ways a passion project, Michael Bay has been wanting to direct Pain and Gain for several years. Now he has finally managed to escape the Transformers tractor-beam for long enough to do so, and the trailer for his 'based on true events' crime comedy is upon us.  So how did it turn out? Pretty damn great by the looks of things. 

Chances are that you will watch this trailer and think it looks as great as I do. You will probably become quite excited to see it, too. But wait - didn't you decide that you hate Michael Bay movies? Here's where things get complicated.

This is going to be difficult for you to admit, and please, take a seat if you need to - but deep down (possibly in your vittles) you like Michael Bay movies. Hell, you may even love them. I know, I know - this is a lot to take in, but you will be a better person if you can just accept that it is impossible to dislike the man that directed The Rock and Bad Boys. Hell, while you're at it, you can try accepting the fact that you liked the first Transformers movie. I know it might be hard for you and your selective memory to process, but everyone liked that movie. It's the reason you were so excited about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and felt so disappointed and betrayed by its inherent shittiness. 

If we were to throw around analogies, then Michael Bay would like the abusive spouse that you just can't help but keep coming back to. He battered you with Pearl Harbor, yet you were back in his arms with The Island and the insanely disturbing (and brilliant) Bad Boys II. He beat you over the head with the second Transformers movie, yet you still went to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon. You pretend to hate that movie too, yet you're back again with this incredible trailer for Pain and Gain.

It's a vicious cycle, but you will be better off if you just sit back, and accept the wacky humour and relentless explosions that are Michael Bay movies. 

Trailer embedded below:

Posted by Stephen Lambrechts - 20/12/2012

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