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Cult Exploitation Porn Film Massage Parlor Murders Gets the Blu-ray Treatment

Sleaze-hounds rejoice! Cult distributor Vinegar Syndrome is about to start taking pre-orders for its upcoming April release of Chester Fox & Alex Stevens' cult exploitation porn flick Massage Parlor Murders. What makes this release special? Well, how often do sleazy porn slashers get the 2K restoration and Blu-ray treatment? Not very often, yet here we are! 

Small companies like these should be celebrated. Vinegar Syndrome is reportedly a two person company, and it's clear that they do what they do because they absolutely love it. They specialise in restoring and releasing the X rated films of the '70s that are real films - they just happen to have a lot of real sex in them. 

Check out the HD trailer below to see what you can expect from the film, which is about a maniac that's killing the massage parlour girls of Times Square and the detectives who are trying to stop him.

Keep an eye on Vinegar Syndrome's website to see when you can place your preorder. Props to Cinema Sewer's Robin Bougie for the heads up!

Posted by Stephen Lambrechts - 25/1/2013


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