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FIFA 14 Free WIth Xbox One Pre-Orders

Posted by Stephen Lambrechts

Hey there, sports fans! Microsoft Australia today announced that Australians who have pre-ordered Xbox One Day One Edition consoles, or do so while stocks last, will receive a free copy of FIFA 14 with their console bundles. This news also coincides with a confirmed release date of November 22nd, 2013 for the Xbox One console. That puts Microsoft a week ahead of the PS4's release date of November 29th. WHAMMY!

Jeremy Hinton, the Interactive Entertainment Business Lead at Microsoft Australia had this to say:

“Today is an exciting day for Xbox in Australia with the confirmation of our launch date of November 22, so we’ll be one of the first countries in the world to launch Xbox One. Xbox is the best place to play games and we are delighted by the pre-orders of Xbox One. Australians love their sport and their sports games and our Xbox One FIFA 14 bundle in particular is our gift to those Xbox fans who pre-order early. Also, to make sure people who pre-ordered the Day One Edition Console don’t lose out, we’ll be making sure they all receive a copy of FIFA 14 too.”

This is news so exciting, that all of your FIFA-obsessed co-workers will likely appear spontaneously in your living room and begin high-fiving each other every time you turn your Xbox on. Microsoft has yet to confirm whether the bundle will include Mountain Dew and Doritos.

Jokes aside, this is a pretty big win for Microsoft. Will this sway your next-gen console pre-order decision? Let us know in the comments below!


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